Tag Archives: Maven

Java REST Client to access Drupal Content – Part 2

In Part 1 we have created a REST API which provides content stored in Drupal. We will now write a Java REST client to access the content. We will use Jersey which is the JAX-RS API (JSR 311 & JSR 339) reference implementation. We will begin by creating a Java… Read more »

Creating standalone Java project using Maven Archetype

Maven archetypes make it easy to start projects with a standard/consistent code structure. Instead of repeating these steps in every blog that needs starting a project, this blog will be used to show common steps used to start new projects using Maven Archetypes. This post focuses on standalone apps. Create… Read more »

PrimeFaces setup with Maven and Tomcat

In this post, we will setup PrimeFaces 5.3 with Maven and Tomcat. It is assumed that the installations described in this post are already in place.   Maven ArchetypeUse Maven webapp Archetype to create application structure

Create FoldersCreate folders src/main/java, src/test/java and src/test/resources. Update pom.xml

There are optional… Read more »

JBOSS Tools For Eclipse (JBOSS WildFly 9.x and Eclipse Mars)

To have development environment with JBOSS and Eclipse, need to install JBOSS Tools.  Installing JBOSS Tools plugin In Eclipse, Help -> Install New Software. In “Work With” box, give http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/development/mars/ Select ‘Abridged JBOSS Tools’. Click Next and Finish.  Setup JBOSS Server in Eclipse In Eclipse Java EE perspective, right click… Read more »

Installations and Environment Setup

This post will be used to make note of the installations and environment setup that will be used in this website. The software list, versions etc. will be updated as needed. 1) JDK: Install JDK from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html . I will be using Java SE Development Kit 8 for Windows x64…. Read more »