Tag Archives: PrimeFaces

Hackathon at Carnegie Museum of Art (My App: Track Your Progress)

Recently Carnegie Museum of Art (CMOA) has conducted a hackathon. As the website says: “To celebrate the 120th birthday of Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Museum of Art is opening up its collection data in a weekend-long hackathon that brings together arts, technology, and education communities. The museum will make… Read more »

PrimeFaces setup with Maven and Tomcat

In this post, we will setup PrimeFaces 5.3 with Maven and Tomcat. It is assumed that the installations described in this post are already in place.   Maven ArchetypeUse Maven webapp Archetype to create application structure

Create FoldersCreate folders src/main/java, src/test/java and src/test/resources. Update pom.xml

There are optional… Read more »